
Anges Loy
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girl's School 1998 - 2007
Jurong Junior College 2008 - 2009

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

10:23 AM

Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my Pokerface

Haven't been updating for sucha long time omg. But yeah was busy with sports day and the overnight camp before that and Anges HAS BEEN STUDYING. I am dead serious. 

Passed my second physics test (of the year and of my whole entire JC life) and improved by, 1 mark. Don't know if I should feel disappointed cos I did study quite alot for this paper.. Haven't exactly seen it yet but I'm clinging onto the hope of error-carried-forward marks. Yeah quite loser I must say :P

Went for Yishun training yesterday (at long last) and I'm beginning to feel the effects of not turning up for training for sucha long time. Going for TPY training tonight as well. Hope there won't be serious aching man. 

By the way, I'm staying at Shenn's house for 10 days and it's been the 6th day today. My house toilets are under renovation and the initial plan was to go to my relative's house to bathe. But that plan's not feasible since its really not on the way and I stay in school till quite late at night. Oh well so here I am, really have to thank her for taking me in man! Now I don't have to wake up so early in the morning as well, I'm afraid I can't revert back man. Anyway that girl bought me Auntie Anne's pretzel for breakfast! Yaye love her ttm!

Yup and she's starting work at Streetwave this Sunday! Yay can't wait :D

Alright I think I'd better get dressed up to head to school for the filming of SCDC vid. In the meantime, I hope this blog doesn't turn stagnant :X

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

9:36 PM

There's so much sad gonna flood the ocean,
We're all in tears from a world that's broken
Together we cry
There comes a time when every bird has to fly
At some point every rose has to die

Feeling damn sucky now. I hate people to poke into my business and tell me what to do. I don't owe anyone any explanation and I'm not obliged to report my matters to anyone. I know what I'm doing and I don't think anyone knows better. If you think I'm giving excuses to not turn up and accuse me of slacking off somewhere else please keep your thoughts to yourself. Plus I did not give up.

And I hate/irk/detest comparison. The people and the circumstances are different in everything we do. It's unfair to compare. So don't.

On a lighter note, I passed my Physics for the very first time in my entire JC life. Not a very great accomplishment since everyone said it was easy. But nevertheless a step closer to the ultimate goal. Press on, Anges!